It was quite the crowd at the Monday matinee of "Ugly American." Looking around the sold-out crowd I saw a number of Spoleto luminaries including Nigel Redden, Nunally Kersh, Maria Jacinto and Julia Forester. I also spied Timmy Finch of The Have Nots, our own Christine Randall and Esther Ferguson.
I would say I had mixed feelings about Daisey's show but since he himself says in his monologue that no one is on the fence, it's always either thumbs up or thumbs down, I have to give him thumbs down.
Don't get me wrong. I laughed quite a bit. Daisey is a good storyteller and he is funny but he just went on a little too long. His story would have benefited from a good editor.
I'd heard the show was 1 hour and 45 minutes but it clocked in at 2 hours and 15. They say you should leave them wanting more and Daisey should take that to heart.
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