In order to bring you more information, the SpoletoToday staff has excerpted some Piccolo Spoleto reviews in Friday's paper, but run more events. Let us know what you think of our experiment. We are interested in your comments.
Here's the an early look at the excerpts, so you can know which reviews to look for at The reviews will be posted at 0-dark-30 Friday morning.
-Stephanie Harvin, editor, SpoletoToday.
Rock ’n’ Roll Heaven
you believe in forever and life is just a one night stand; if there’s a
Rock ’n’ Roll Heaven, you know you got a hell of a band." The lyrics opened up the Musical Theatre at the
Charleston Music Hall’s production of "Rock ’n’ Roll Heaven." This
Sheri Grace Production entertained an appreciative and enthusiastic
audience that nearly filled the hall with patrons clapping, stomping
and furiously mouthing the words of the musical icons. The multitalented Sheri Grace Wenger found some
amazingly talented singers and dancers to portray famous dearly
departed artists such as Elvis, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison. Each
nailed their artist through costumes, wigs, mannerisms and vocal
qualities. By Sandy Katz
Early Music Series One
of the most popular and well-known orchestral works appeared on
Thursday’s Early Music Series, Vivaldi’s "Four Seasons." Amos Lawrence,
solo violinist, led the Charleston Baroque Ensemble in a masterful
performance of this perennial favorite to a larger than usual audience
at the First Presbyterian Church. It was a perfect marriage of
acoustics and these baroque instruments. Vivaldi has written music that accurately
exemplifies the many moods of each season, beginning with Spring.
Lawrence perfectly captured the murmuring streams of water, awakening
birds with all their twittering and chirping, and flower- bedecked
meadows, as the world comes to life and is reborn again. By Mary Solomon Brown Bag and Ballet Series Had Leonard Bernstein lived to see his "Jubilee
Games" composition set to ballet, he might have been stunned by prodigy
Jonathan Tabbert’s mature and polished oeuvre, a world premiere
presented by the Charleston Ballet Theatre to a full house at
Thursday’s Piccolo Brown Bag and Ballet Series. Certainly the Harkness Foundation for Dance had
already acknowledged the 23-year-old’s talent with a recent grant for
"Jubilee," an elegant en pointe effort danced by CBT principals
Jennifer Balcerzak, Stephanie Bussell, Marcie Campo, Kathleen Dwyer,
Jessica Roan, Janet V. Meister, Charles Glunk, Stephen Gabriel, Tanner
Hronek and Matthew McKinney. The women, regally gowned in lavender, the men in
black with purple tights, blended faultless en pointe turns and
classical leaps, fluid lines at once serene, prayerful, youthful,
joyful. By Nada Arnold Spotlight Concert The
music of J.S. Bach and Antonio Vivaldi uplifted spirits Thursday
afternoon at the acoustically perfect St. Johannes Lutheran Church, as
part of Piccolo Spoleto’s Spotlight Concerts. This second of three presentations subtitled "The
Divine Counterpoint of Johann Sebastian Bach," supplied members of the
Charleston Symphony Orchestra an opportunity to masquerade as the
Amabile Chamber Orchestra with conductor Alex Agrest (normally a
violist). Agrest displayed a well-developed affinity for
Baroque music throughout, keeping matters moving at a sprightly pace,
never dragging in the slow movements. Amabile, fully constituted,
consisted of four first violins and three second violins, each section
separated on either side of the conductor as the antiphonal nature of
the music requires. By William Furtwangler Piccolo Fringe Theatre The program notes say its "Like nothing you’ve ever seen and heard before," but you may never want to see them again. The 20-somethings in the audience were feverishly
signing up for e-mails and souvenirs after the show, so maybe there was
a generational gap going on. Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players were alive,
loud and obnoxious during their performance at Piccolo Spoleto Fringe
at American Theater. By Sandy Katz
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