So who in Charleston has seen Francis "Chip" Menotti, the adopted son of the late Gian Carlo Menotti?
The answer is Ali Rahnamoon, the longtime pastry chef at Saffron's restaurant on East Bay Street near the Gaillard Auditorium. Rahnamoon remembers serving food to Gian Carlo Menotti back before the Pulitzer Prize-winning founder of the Spoleto festivals in both Italy and Charleston broke off his relationship with Spoleto Festival USA in 1993.
Said Rahnamoon: "Chip was in here last week, around April 11 or 12, and had a cup of coffee. He told me he was visiting with friends in Charleston and was staying the week at Wild Dunes."
However, no one else seems to know anything about Chip's mysterious visit to this city he once left on such bad terms. Redden was out of his New York office at Lincoln Center and could no be reached for comment. Paula Edwards, head of public relations for Spoleto Festival USA, said she knew nothing of Chip Menotti's alleged visit. Same with Susan Ravenel, a longtime board member who recently rotated off the board. "I'm sure I would have heard," Ravenel said.
Redden was in town on April 11 for a press conference and the public unveiling of the official 2007 Spoleto poster and didn't mention any visit from Chip Menotti to the press.
Since Menotti's death Spoleto-watchers have been on the lookout for signs of a potential reunion between the Italian and American festivals. Chip Menotti is often cited as a likely obstacle to any proposed restoration of those ties.
Several weeks ago, a longtime Spoleto board member reported that Charleston Mayor Joe Riley had received a letter from Chip Menotti saying that he hopes to visit Charleston when the festival is held here May 25-June 10. Despite repeated requests over the past week, Riley has refused to comment about the letter.
Charlestonians seem to favor the idea of reuniting the festivals. In a previous story published in The Post and Courier, Riley had said that he thought the idea of the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy, and the Spoleto Festival USA reuniting at some point would be beneficial to both. Spoleto artistic director for chamber music Charleston Wadsworth echoed the mayor's sentiments in the same news story.
According to Redden, the speaker for the opening ceremonies will be Brunini Massimo, the mayor of Spoleto Italy, who was invited before the death of Gian Carlo Menotti.
Chip Menotti is remembered in Charleston for his role in his adopted father's break with the American festival. Locals criticized the Menottis for what they considered to be lavish spending habits at a time when the festival was operating in debt.
He is also remembered for pushing his father to fire Nigel Redden, then general manager of the festival, over "disagreements in managing the board" in the fall of 1991. The board rehired Redden in 1995.
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