[June 8th editor's note: A.L. Gordon is most certainly a woman (my apologies, A.L.), and a commenter also provides a link to a previous Gordon column about the festival. It includes this very to-the-point observation: "The Spoleto party scene tells a larger
story about a new group of social movers and shakers who are
transforming Charleston into the New York of the South, as it was known
before the Civil War. The New Guard is made up of couples
in their 30s and 40s with young children who attend the city’s most
prestigious private schools together — about half the first-grade class
at Charleston Day School was born outside Charleston."]
(June 7, 4 p.m. editor's note: An anonymous commenter says A.L. Gordon may be a woman. I don't have a clue, and couldn't find out from surfing the Sun's website before I made the first post. Latent sexism? Perhaps. But I'm updating the post to reflect this tip. -- dc)
Here's A.L. Gordon's Sunday "Out and About" column from The New York Sun, written about his her Spoleto adventures in Charleston. Gordon got invited to a party at Neil Stevenson's place, which must have made him her feel right at home.
Be sure to scroll down to the photos at the bottom. There's a prominent local newspaper publisher in there...
By the way, I found this via the opera blog "An Unamplified Voice"...
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